【產品規格】 鏡片規格:XP-E Cree 白光LED-90流明*1 MX-6 Cree 白光LED-90流明*1 紅光LED*1 電力供應:3顆1.5V AAA鹼性電池或鋰電池 材質:塑膠、矽膠 重量:40 g (不含電池) 配件:含 電池 x 3 產地:台灣
【品牌介紹】 Yalumi has a strong team in designing and manufacturing of sophisticated outdoor and bicycle lighting products. With in-house world class optics facilities and experienced engineers, our lighting solutions in term of beam pattern and light efficiency are the best in the market. Headquarter in USA, Yalumi has in-house manufacturing facilities with ISO certification. Now we offer a wide range of high quality outdoor headlamps and bicycle lights to meet the demands of customers in the world.